In Memory of






Condolence From: Vincent B Rogers
Condolence: Aunt Lora was always pleasant and nice to me. She always seemed to be smiling and was kind in conversation. She lived a good long life and now she is with her sweetheart and other family members on the the other side of the veil. Until we meet again Aunt Lora.
Thursday March 30, 2017
Condolence From: Kelly Schofield
Condolence: My condolences to the family at the passing of your very specia mother. In my youth I came to be a friend of Willy and appreciated his mother's sweet spirit and kindly nature.
Wednesday March 29, 2017
Condolence From: Paonia Relief Society
Condolence: Keeping all family members in our prayers. So sorry about your loss.
Tuesday March 28, 2017
Condolence From: Beth Holmes
Condolence: What a lovely lady that has gone home. I did so much enjoy her when we went to quilting at the church. Barbara, Martin and Eddie I am praying for all of you
Tuesday March 28, 2017
Condolence From: Linda and Lynn Howard
Condolence: Sincere sympathy and peace is sent to all the Lora Christensen family. We were neighbors in LaJara for many years and will remember her as a very lovely lady. (Linda Schilthuis)
Monday March 27, 2017
Condolence From: Kelly & Treva Brady
Condolence: Dear Friends, Our hearts are happy for Lora - knowing the great reunion occurring on the other side of the veil! As your life's journey changes without her sweet presence, memories will keep her close in heart. Blessings Kelly & Treva Brady
Friday March 24, 2017